Sunday, September 9, 2018


Hey, Gabriel Guys,

On this blog, we're not afraid to address ALL the issues teen guys face today. Teen guys who follow Jesus are not immune to the temptations that assail other teen guys. But followers of Jesus have the power of God to hold on to in the face of temptation. We can escape and overcome temptation every single time as long as we obey Jesus and not the world.

So, what does Jesus say when it comes to sex? First of all, let's remember that God created sex. It was His idea, and so it's a good thing. But, like everything else in life, sex is a good thing only when practiced according to God's commands. And God says that sex is to be engaged in ONLY in marriage. Sex outside of marriage is a sin, and it will always hurt and even destroy those who engage in it outside of marriage. God's Word says this: "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6: 23). 

God says what He means, and He means what He says!

You may be asking this question: Why does God put these restrictions on sex? Does He not want people to have fun?

Let's look at it this way. When you were a toddler, did your parents put a fence around your backyard or a gate at the top of the stairs? If so, why? The answer is obvious: Your parents did not want you roaming into the street where you could get hit by a car and injured or killed. Nor did they want you falling down the steps and possibly getting seriously injured.

Were the fence and the gate put there to keep you from having fun? No, of course not!  They were put there to protect you so you could have fun within a safe area. 

Well, God is our Heavenly Father, and He wants to protect us from harm. So He gives us a fence. That fence is called the Bible. As long as we remain within the protection of the Bible by obeying what it says, we will be safe. But if we disobey what the Bible says--that is, if we go outside the fence or remove the gate--then we will always get hurt.

How will we get hurt? Well, here are a few ways you will get hurt if you participate in sex before marriage:

1--You start off marriage on the wrong foot: the foot of mistrust. Imagine how your spouse will feel or how you will feel knowing that your spouse had been intimate with someone else.  Because you or your spouse gave away what should be given only to each other (your virginity), when you get married, you cannot give your spouse the gift of being the first one. 

2--Every time you have sex with someone, you develop a soul tie with that person. (Read my article on "Sex and Soul Ties").  These soul ties can bring into your life demonic influences that will torment you for the rest of your life unless you repent and get delivered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. 

3--You risk getting pregnant and causing your child to be labeled as an illegitimate child.  In the spiritual realm, an illegitimate child has a curse upon him called the "Bastard Curse." (Read my article called "Are You Cursed with the Bastard Curse?")

4--If the girl with whom you had sex gets pregnant, she may be tempted to have an abortion. Abortion is murder. It is the killing of a child in the womb. The Bible proves in Psalm 139 that the baby in the womb is a human being. No one tells you how women who have had an abortion suffer torment and anguish the rest of their lives unless they come to Christ to forgive them and heal them.

5--You risk contracting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that can destroy your life for the rest of your life. STDs are nothing to sneeze at. They are painful, debilitating, and often fatal.

6--You miss out on God's best for your life. God has a wonderful plan for your life (Jeremiah 29: 11). But you won't experience that plan unless you live your life the way God has instructed you to live it in the Holy Bible. the Bible is God's manual for your life. Just as you get a manual when you buy a car or a DVD player, so do you get a manual when you enter this world. That manual is called the Bible. It tells you how you work best. So, doesn't it make sense to do what the Bible says so you can live the blessed life God wants you to live?

7--Worst of all, sooner or later you will reap the horrible consequences of sin. The Bible says that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6: 23). You cannot sin without suffering the consequences of sin. Let that truth make you think hard and long.

Remember this; Sex God's way is the only way. Any other way will bring you only harm.

I hope this discussion has made you think twice before having sex before marriage. 

Now, let me hear from you! Please post them in the box below. Thanks!

Copyright 2018 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio, All Rights Reserved. This article may not be published or printed in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. You may contact her at to request permission.

If you enjoyed this blog, please forward it to your family and friends. Spread the Word of God and be a blessing to others! Thanks! 
To Become a Gabriel Guy, you need to qualify as follows:
  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life. If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
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Thursday, May 17, 2018

IMPORTANT: Compliance with GDPR Regulations

Dear Gabriel Guys,
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Many Blessings,
Dr. MaryAnn Diorio