Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Introducing the Gabriel Guys Blog!

Hey, Gabriel Guys!

Yes, that's you! You, that is, if you follow Jesus Christ, or you want to.

Welcome to our new blog just for you. You are the male counterpart to our sister blog called the Gabriel Girls located at gabrielgirls.blogspot.com and on our Facebook page at

So, here's the scoop about the Gabriel Guys:

1-You are between the ages of 13 and 19.

2-You know Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, or you want to.

3-You are from all over the world.

4-You struggle with life problems and are looking for solutions.

5-You want to make a difference for Christ in this world.

Each week, we'll discuss a topic that relates to teen guys. I welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing from you.

We also have a Facebook page I invite you to join. Here is the link:

Stay tuned for our next blog post called "Are You a Man or Are You a Male?"

Meanwhile, play ball as we help you grow in your relationship with Jesus!


Dr. MaryAnn Diorio

Are you a teen guy who follows Jesus? If so, check out the Gabriel Guys Blog!  (CLICK TO TWEET)


Copyright 2016 by Dr. MaryAnn Diorio. All Rights Reserved.

To Become a Gabriel Guy, you need to qualify as follows:
  • You need to be born again. This means that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and the Lord of your life.If you don't know how to do this, click here.
  • You need to have a desire to tell others about Jesus wherever you go and whenever you can.
  • You need to commit to following Jesus by reading the Bible and praying every day and by obeying Jesus' command to love Him and to love your neighbor.
You can find me on the following Social Media Venues:

Website: www.maryanndiorio.com
BookBub.com: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/maryann-diorio
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/DrMaryAnnDiorio
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/drmaryanndiorio

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